
We all need inspiration in our lives. Bobbi Shares some of the things that inspire and empower her life.

Mastering Closet Organization Step by Step

Mastering Closet Organization Step by Step

Ah, cleaning out our closets… It’s one of those things we always aspire to but rarely seem to make time for. Mastering closet organization can be daunting, but the following tips will help break it down into a few manageable steps.

I Believe in New Beginnings

I Believe in New Beginnings

It’s that time of year again… You know, the time of year when we all set goals for ourselves that are somehow rarely achieved. Learn how a simple change of mindset can change everything help you achieve the goals you’ve been resolving to tackle for years—without the dreaded New Year’s Resolutions!

The Magic Behind Dream Boards

The Magic Behind Dream Boards

What is a dream or vision board? And why might you want to create one as an exercise to help manifest your dreams? Not only is vision boarding a fun project, but it also brings clarity to the direction of your dreams and aspirations. You’ll love this!

Gratitude: How to Find it and How to Practice It

Gratitude: How to Find it and How to Practice It

One of the marvelous things about gratitude is that it has no upper limit, at least as far as BIS Contributor Coach Ana can tell. You can be as grateful as you want to be. Find what fills your heart with gratitude and joy as it will truly change your life! And what better time to start than Thanksgiving!

I Believe in Planning My Own Life Journey

I Believe in Planning My Own Life Journey

Life is a journey, and in the article that follows, one of Be Iconic Style’s most esteemed contributors shares her views on planning for a life journey that is uniquely yours. Take hold of the rudder of your life and set your own course for the destination of your dreams!

I Believe in Embracing Change—Here’s How to Begin

I Believe in Embracing Change—Here’s How to Begin

Life changes frequently—and sometimes it happens so fast we feel like a “Bop Bag” being hit over and over again before we can recover from the last bop. BIS Contributor Debbie Lane’s life is no exception…but she shares how she’s learned to embrace change instead of dreading it. Simply reframing change can make a world of difference!

A Simple Roadmap to Finding Your Passion

A Simple Roadmap to Finding Your Passion

Finding your passion and living it out can change your entire world. In this short article, BIS contributor and life coach, Ana Loi, shares her thoughts and a few simple steps we can all take to live more joyful, passionate lives.

The Game-Changing Advantage of a Power Wardrobe

The Game-Changing Advantage of a Power Wardrobe

The story I’m going to share with you today is mind-blowing on every front. It involves the exponential growth of someone working for one of the most famous jewelry houses in the world and how it happened. If you want to move your career forward this is a must-hear story for you.

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