
We all need inspiration in our lives. Bobbi Shares some of the things that inspire and empower her life.

Light in Dark Places…Shame

“Shame on you!” or “I am so ashamed of you!” Are those phrases buried in you somewhere from your childhood days when you unknowingly did something that tremendously annoyed a grownup? Don’t let these messages sabotage your plans for success. BIS Contributor Debbie Lane tells us how.

Light in Dark Places…Gaslighting

Have you ever been in a relationship that makes you question your sanity — so much that you are no longer able to distinguish between what is true and what is not true? You may be a victim of “gaslighting.” Read more…

Light in the Dark Places…Unwarranted Fear

Merriam Webster defines fear as “an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger and/or anxious concern” and unwarranted as “without a basis in reason or fact.” So, what do we do to quit living in unwarranted fear so that we can enjoy life fully? BIS Contributor Debbie Lane shows us the way.

I Believe in…Nurturing Your Ideas

What ideas do you have that you just can’t get out of your head? And how amazing would it feel to nurture those ideas so that they can take flight and change your world? This month BIS Contributor Debbie Lane discusses the importance of growing the ideas that are near and dear to us.

Ssshh! For Loud People

We’ve all been in those situations…We’re in a setting, minding our own business, and someone nearby is speaking so loudly we feel we’re a part of their conversation. This month our friend friend and BIS Contributor, Colleen Rickenbacher shares how to react and how best to deal with exactly this type of situation.

The Power of Words

Words have tremendous power… But what do your words say about you and how exactly is your life and the lives of others affected by what you say? This month’s inspirational article is a must read!

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