Founder & CEO of Be Iconic Style, Bobbi Schwartz. | Photography: BookMarc Creative
It’s so great to meet you!
My name is Bobbi Schwartz, and I am the founder and CEO of The Bobbi Schwartz Group, a successful and well-established, Dallas-based personal styling company. Our clientele is global and most stay with us because of the compliments they constantly receive about how they are dressed, not to mention our tender, loving service.
How I got here
I began my career as a school teacher but fell into the fashion industry where I have since devoted the last two decades. During that time, I have worked for some of the world’s top retailers and design houses, and I’ve held almost every position imaginable from store manager to regional to buyer and consultant for such notables as Neiman Marcus, Ralph Lauren, Forty-Five Ten, and more. I have been out on my own as a stylist since 2003 and am an expert at dressing my clients. It’s been a wonderful adventure.
Why I do what I do
During my time as a personal stylist, I have been witness to the dramatic changes that occur in women’s lives when they find their confidence in their personal appearance. I’ve seen women, who once went unnoticed in the workplace, promoted within weeks after changing their work attire ONLY. That’s how powerful an impact a simple change of wardrobe had on their confidence.
Time and again I have watched this happen, and it was the motivating factor behind my launching Be Iconic Style. This online personal styling site is designed to help empower you with the tools you need to take ownership of your own confidence—and not just at work but in every aspect of your life! In fact, that is the mission of Be Iconic Style. We are here to help empower all women and guide them in their journey of transformation through style.
Why what I do should matter to you
People may wonder why stylists are necessary, but if you think about it, for most of us learning how to dress doesn’t extend much farther than our parents teaching us how to match our clothing. We’re not taught how to dress for success or to accentuate the positive aspects of our figures. The end result of my job is happy clients who have a solid wardrobe and know how to dress for their individual lifestyles.
It is a well-known fact that one of the fastest ways to increase self-confidence and a new world outlook is a change in one’s wardrobe. What we wear has an incredible impact on how we feel and how others perceive us. Therefore, it’s important to be sure that we are always putting our best selves “out there” for all the world to see. To that end, I work with each client individually, matching their wardrobe to their way of life.
Where to begin
While you’re here, why not take a look around? Explore our weekly blog posts—and I suggest you start with one of my favorites—“Style Essentials: Build Your Ultimate Wardrobe.” In it, you’ll learn a little bit more about my philosophy and how having an essential wardrobe in place can be a true game-changer for your life and your career.
You can also purchase my book by the same name. Style Essentials: Build Your Ultimate Wardrobe by clicking on the image to the right.
Style Essentials can be downloaded for $9.99 through Amazon, and if you’re a Kindle Unlimited member, you can download it for free.
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You can do that by subscribing via the pop-up form that you’ll see when you first visit the site, or in the sidebar to the right of this post. Can I tell you how much we love seeing new names pop up on our list each week? (Yes, we do look!)
Check us out on social media
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And last but not least
Thank you for being here and learning a bit more about me and Be Iconic Style. Never hesitate to reach out via email ([email protected]) and let us know how Be Iconic Style can serve you better.