New Arrivals–Handbags

New Arrivals, Shoes and Bags

Elevate your wardrobe–and style–with these stunning new arrivals in handbags!

I’m always so excited to share the latest arrivals in handbags. This is my favorite category to shop for and own—second only to shoes! And if you’re anything like me or any of the women I know, you’ll feel the same.

This time, I’ve not only shopped the usual glorious designer bags we all know and love, but I’ve also included a category we have never addressed before—pre-owned bags. Since COVID, these bags have skyrocketed in popularity. Each of the bags we feature here is returnable, but be sure to double-check that they haven’t moved into the final sale category.

Every designer retailer I know has started including pre-owned bags in their collections, so I thought we should jump on the bandwagon, too. The pre-owned bags featured in today’s post are in pristine condition and are available at a lower price point. If you’re interested in seeing more options, please let us know. Keep your eyes peeled for these treasures—you won’t want to miss them!

So, here’s the thing about bags—they are statement makers!

In fact, they can make or break your level of chic. Not only that, but we tend to live with our bags for years. We commonly buy, wear, and discard other elements of our wardrobes, but we don’t often do that with our bags. And I can testify to that, having spent copious amounts of time in my clients’ closets over the years. It is rare to see bags let go!

The new arrival handbags I’m seeing now are spectacular showstoppers. From totes to top handles and lots more, what I’m seeing is incredible! Some options are more suited to chic, more elevated looks, while others will take you anywhere. Regardless of what you lean toward, each of these bags is a treasure!

It is my hope that you love what I’ve shopped for you as much as I do. Have a wonderful time perusing the fabulousness of the new arrival and pre-owned handbags and finding something perfect for you!

As always, I’ve divided the bags into categories for you, featuring a variety of styles—from totes and shoulder bags to mini bags and more. The stunning pre-owned bags I’ve found have their own dedicated section, and I’ve also highlighted this season’s top trend: top-handle bags. Speaking of top-handle bags, they’re the perfect accessory for this season’s ladylike dressing trend. These bags are not only versatile enough for various occasions, including work, but they also play a key role in achieving that polished, ladylike look.

New Bags

Pre-Owned Bags

New Top-Handle Bags

Summing it all up…

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that handbags are the second “tell” of your level of chic, right after shoes. This is why I encourage you to invest in them. You spend more time with your bags than most things, so be sure you’re possessed by whatever you purchase. If you buy well, you will have your bags forever!

And before I leave you to your shopping, I would like to share a short story from my youth with you. You may remember this from a past blog entry, but I think it bears repeating:

When I was 16 years old, one of my aunts took me on my first shopping trip to Bergdorf Goodman, where she shared a life-altering principle with me.

She said, “It is better to have a few special (expensive) treasures than a whole lot of (cheap) stuff.”

This resonated so strongly with me that I have always remembered her counsel. If you were to look in my closet today, you would see that I live the wisdom she shared with me that day. I am passing this on to you as it meant so much to me. Though this concept most assuredly applies to every aspect of your wardrobe, it definitely applies to handbags.

With that in mind, know that any of the bags I’ve shopped for you would be a spectacular addition to your wardrobe and something you could cherish for years. Happy hunting!

PSSST! Looking for more curated shopping? Check out some of our other recent posts!

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