By BIS Founder & CEO Bobbi Schwartz
Words have tremendous power–what you say is what you get! And it is true—so moving forward on that premise—what do your words say about you? How is your life affected by what you say? And how has it already been affected by your words?
Years ago I heard a hugely successful businessman talk about the subject and I remember him saying in regards to a comment someone made—is that what you want? The person said “no.” And the business man said, “then why say it?”
How many times a day do you say things that you clearly don’t mean… and that you would not want to happen in your life?
You attract what you speak and think and so you want to be clear and clearly mean what you speak. Many of us are in the habit of sloppy, lazy terminology and vagueness. We often don’t answer questions people put to us directly. Just observe yourself.
A number of years ago I worked with a Zen Master. He would ask me a question and I thought I was answering but he would say to me, “that isn’t what I asked.” After several times repeating this scenario (meaning his asking me the original question), it became very apparent that I was in the habit of thinking and speaking in such a vague manner that I was miscommunicating with everyone to whom I spoke. Watch yourself and see if you do the same. I have observed this behavior since in the majority of people with whom I associate and it is mind boggling to watch us all.
So clarity is a big deal. In your communications verbally and in written form, answering questions and your thoughts. By observing and making the changes you will find your relationships clearer and your own perceptions clearer.
If you tend to be angry or critical—remember the power of what you say. When you say hurtful or embarrassing things to others, that reflects back on yourself, and the legacy you leave out in the world. Clarity of speech indicates clarity of thought—and that speaks volumes about you.
The most important thing to remember is what I say, I create. I once heard it said, “if everything you say became your neighborhood, what would your neighbors be like?” That is, no doubt, a daunting thought for most of us.
In your mind, just take a moment to create a neighborhood of how you think of others, how you speak to others… including gossip and unkind thoughts. When I did this for myself, well, let’s just say I was not living in a very nice area. Food for thought.
No doubt you have heard that words and energy never leave. They are here forever—so if you can’t make them disappear, should you say them out loud?
All this is just a way of creating a better world for yourself and “up” your game in all you do.